Botica ng MASA!!! The first PHARMACY in TOWN with the most affordable PRICES and with SERBISYONG TOTOO with FREE BP (blood pressure), FBS Screening and Asthma Nebulizing.
- Our Address: Public Market, Cambanogoy Asuncion, Davao Del Norte
- Email address:
- Web: ---
- Island: Mindanao
- Site: Public Market
- Province: Davao del Norte
- Province PSGC: 112300000
- Region Name: Region XI
- Region PSGC: 110000000
- Municipality Name: Asuncion
- Municipality PSGC: 112301000
- Country: Philippines
- Postcode: 8102
- Phone number: 0998 995 1301
- Contact Person: ---
- Contact Title: ---
- Contact2: ---
- Contact2 Title: ---
- Barangay Name: ---
- Barangay PSGC: ---
- Health Facility Code: ---
- Health Facility Code Short: ---
- Ownership Major Classification: Noemi N. Ignacio
- Ownership Sub Classification for Government Facilities: Private