Marvex Pharma Corporation is a dynamic Pharmaceutical Company serving the Customers, Medical Practitioners and Healthcare Organizations as the sole distributor of quality, branded supplements from Seoul, Korea and the Philippines.
- Our Address: No. 18 Cor. Pedro Calomadre And Molave Sts., Lahug, Cebu City
- Email address:
- Web: ---
- Island: Visayas
- Site: Lahug
- Province: Cebu
- Province PSGC: 072200000
- Region Name: Region 7
- Region PSGC: 070000000
- Municipality Name: Cebu City
- Municipality PSGC: 072217000
- Country: Philippines
- Postcode: 6000
- Phone number: ---
- Contact Person: ---
- Contact Title: ---
- Contact2: ---
- Contact2 Title: ---
- Barangay Name: ---
- Barangay PSGC: ---
- Health Facility Code: ---
- Health Facility Code Short: ---
- Ownership Major Classification: Marvex Pharma Corporation
- Ownership Sub Classification for Government Facilities: Private